
empty nester

Strengthen your marriage in all seasons

Would you like to be more understood by your spouse - to strengthen or even repair your marriage?

Your CenterPeace offers the SYMBIS Assessment and Marriage Mentors to facilitate conversations that help promote growth towards a more fulfilling marriage journey.

Ready to learn more about your partner? 

We care about helping couples create happy marriages and whole families! For only $35 (per couple), we use the SYMBIS Assessment to help you understand your personalized roadmap to having a great marriage! After you individually take the SYMBIS assessment, we will match you with a Marriage Mentor couple to share your results.


 Here’s How the Assessment and Marriage Mentoring Can Help You!

As you know there are many predictable issues for couples as they navigate changing roles, retirement, menopause, parenting adult children, deal with conflict, handle money, and maintain sexual intimacy. The SYMBIS Assessment provides insight into how your personalities work best together.


Your Money Methods

Kick financial friction to the curb and ensure you realize your shared dreams together.


Your Personalities

Unpack your unique personality dynamics not only as individuals but more importantly as a couple.


Your Fight Types

Discover your “hot topics” and the secret of leveraging conflict for a stronger relationship.


Your Talk Styles

Crack the code for deep and meaningful conversations to enjoy heartfelt and lasting connections.


Your Love Life

Cultivate deeper intimacy and enduring passion for pleasure and fulfillment.


Your Deepest Longing

Create your ultimate soul-to-soul connection and discover how to infuse your relationship with newfound meaning.


Marriage Mentors support you and provide a safe space

Our marriage mentors love being married, and they have been trained in facilitating your combined report that is all about you as a couple.

You will benefit from Marriage Mentors whether you

Had a great example of marriage growing up

Experienced parents who divorced

Are planning for your second marriage

“Meeting with our mentors helped us communicate and fill the void as we navigate life without kids in the house.

 “Our mentors showed us what Conflict Resolution looks like. We had been fighting the same way for years, we had no idea there was another way!”


Ready to learn more about your partner? 

We care about helping couples create happy marriages and whole families! For only $35 (per couple), we use the SYMBIS Assessment to help you understand your personalized roadmap to having a great marriage! After you individually take the SYMBIS assessment, we will match you with a Marriage Mentor couple to share your results.