
Healthy Marriages.

Whole Families.

Let us strengthen your relationship and provide you with a solid marriage foundation.


Ready to learn more about your partner? 

We care about helping couples create happy marriages and whole families! For only $35 (per couple), we use the SYMBIS Assessment to help you understand your personalized roadmap to having a great marriage! After you individually take the SYMBIS assessment, we will match you with a Marriage Mentor couple to share your results.


Love for a Lifetime

“Of all the Wedding must-haves, and countless hours spent planning, no one thought to recommend Marriage Mentoring. Having an experienced couple prepare and encourage us for the journey of marriage has made a huge difference. Now I am telling everyone about CenterPeace.” -Raleigh, NC

Your CenterPeace is an educational 501(c)3, non-profit dedicated to strengthening marriages and families everywhere.


 Healthy Marriages

Begin with a healthy start! Experience the value and the freedom to confide in mentors who care about your marriage helps to promote greater joy for each spouse.


Whole Families

This is the beginning of many generations to come! Our focus is to help you live in peace and harmony together, enjoying your new family with each other.